Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Showings On Saturday?

Even in this slower paced market there are still quite a few listing agents who avoid showing their exclusives on Saturday. What can be learned about a seller with a position like this?

1) The seller's agent is serious about selling but also doesn't want to send a message of weakness to buyers. The thinking goes something like "...if the buyer is serious he will make time in his schedule to see this apartment during normal showing hours...". There may actually be some merit here. I've shown buyers apartments at 8am and 9pm and in my experience this 'tactic' is counter-productive and sends the wrong message.

2) The seller's agent is not serious about getting the most for his client - a very unfortunate turn.

I believe that within reason all agents should show their listings on Saturdays during conventional showing hours - 11am-7pm or so - depending of course on their owners availability. We have to remember how inconvenient it can be for owners to be out during showings but also understand how important ease of access is to the final result. If a buyer can't see an apartment the chances are increased he'll buy someone else's.

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